Toddler Room at Parkside

We encourage our toddlers to be independent, choosing their own activities and accessing resources. In Toddler room, we use planning in the moment, designing activities to follow their interests whilst developing their skills through exploratory play using their senses.

In our Toddler room, we celebrate and learn about different faiths and cultures around the world throughout the year, including those of our toddlers and their families, through simple stories and creative activities. We support our toddlers to develop their understanding of routines, modelling how to play together encouraging social interactions with their friends.

Toddler room staff encourage empathy by helping each other and thinking about how others may be feeling or how our behaviour or actions may impact others.


We support and encourage them to develop their personal development skills, such as handwashing and taking off and putting away their own shoes and coats. We also support our toddlers and families with potty training, following the toddler’s lead and parental preferences.

They enjoy a range of activities both indoors and outdoors. These include:

Messy play activities such as: gloop; cereal play; foam; dough play: painting; sticking; water and sand play

Seasonal activities such as; leaf printing; conker rolling; snow play: ice play and planting

Physical play such as: parachute play; stepping stones; ball play: soft play; bikes and scooters

Creative and speaking, listening and thinking activities such as: action songs and rhymes; a puppet song box; cd songs and stories and picture books.